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Submission Forms



The 2025 Excellence in Financial Journalism Awards will consist of 13 awards in 10 categories (print, broadcast, online and social platform entries are eligible to be submitted in any category). 

Important Dates

Submissions Open:
FEB. 7, 2025

Submission Closes:
MAY 18, 2025


Exemplary coverage of a business, financial or economic news story using radio, podcasts, social media or other online audio formats from a Small or Medium / Large media organization.


In recognition of an exemplary business, economic or financial story in any medium featuring in-depth research, journalistic initiative, reporting and creativity.

General Reporting

Exemplary coverage of a business, financial or economic news beat in a newspaper, magazine or online format.

Visual Design

Outstanding graphic representation of information, data or knowledge presenting complex financial information in a clear, concise visual format to enhance a story narrative.


Exemplary business reporting by a newspaper, magazine, television, radio station, online format or website focused around a geographic area whose primary audience is the residents in that area.


Distinguished commentary, including editorials, columns, blogs, podcasts and video, on business, economic or financial topics.

Public Service

Laudatory reporting on a business, financial or economic topic that will be judged on its impact on the public and the degree to which it benefited the public good.


Exemplary coverage of a business, financial, or economic news story in a television, live stream or other video format from a SmallMedium or Large media organization.


Current college students who showcase exemplary coverage and reporting of business, financial and/or economic topics.


Radio/Podcast coverage can consist of radio, podcasts, social media or other online audio formats. Submissions may consist of one full-length audio feature or one audio package of up to five parts and must be at least 45 seconds in length.
Video coverage can consist of television, live stream or other video formats. Submissions may consist of one full-length program or one video package of up to five parts and must be at least 45 seconds in length.
Digital coverage can consist of webcasts, podcasts, television and radio entries must be at least 45 seconds in length. A script or transcript with lead-in is strongly recommended but not required. Each submission in any category is limited to a maximum of five parts.


Submission Forms





Journalists from The Wall Street Journal, Crain’s New York Business, Forbes, the New York Times, and other publications, keep CPAs up-to-date with relevant and interesting news related to the global market, economics and other varying business and financial topics concerning New York State and the CPA profession.

For more than 30 years, the NYCPA has used the EFJ Awards to pay tribute to journalists who have contributed to financial and business topics through their work. Each year we invite journalists, editors, and authors to submit their best work in 10 different categories.

Once winners are selected, the NYCPA holds a luncheon to celebrate the year’s most distinguished reporting that cultivates and promotes an understanding of accounting, finance, and business topics.


  • Any business, finance or accounting-related news story published in the 2024 calendar year is eligible for entry. The journalist or the outlet may submit the entry.
  • There is a $75 initial entry fee. Any additional submissions from the same contestant are $50. The Next Gen Award initial entry fee is $20. Any additional NextGen submissions from the same contestant are $10.
  • Deadline to enter will be announced shortly.

If you have any other questions, please contact Jovan C. Richards at (212) 719-8392 or via email at jrichards@nysscpa.org


The judging process – which is conducted and paneled by NYCPA members and journalists – rates submissions according to three parameters:

  1. Accuracy, quality, originality and thoroughness of reporting;
  2. The clarity and ability to communicate a balanced understanding of the topic;
  3. Examining a significant and complex subject with depth and context.
